eneral Education Requirements: 40-43 Hours
Additional University Requirements: 6 hours
For more information see the General Education Requirements section of the catalog
Additional Requirements: 9 hours
CT201 If not completed in the general education column.
EC101, EC201, or EC202 If not completed in the general education column.
CS214 or MA105 If not completed in the general education column.
Sports Management Major (53 Hours)
NOTE: This major has a "forced" minor built into the following coursework for the major.
AC201 Accounting Principles I (3)
BU110 Introduction to Business (3)
BU225 Computer Applications in Business (3)
BU341 Business Law Contracts (3)
MG356 Human Resource Management (3)
ET375 Small Business Management (3)
MK330 Marketing (3)
MK/SPM303 Sports Marketing and Events (3)
SPM101 Introduction to Sports Management (2)
SPM201 Sports Management Pre-Internship (1)
SPM345 Law for Recreation and Sports Managers (3)
SPM480 Sports Management Capstone (3)
SPM301 Sports Management Post-Internship (2)
EX203 Introduction to Exercise Science (2)
PE212 First Aid/Community CPR (2)
PE221 Psychology and Sociological Aspects of Physical Education (3)
PE323 First Aid, Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3)
SPM 321 Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Athletic Programs (3)
Min. 5 hrs. of the following:
PESW101 Swimming (1)
EX331 Strength and Conditioning (3)
IB376 International Business (3)
FB351 Business Finance (3)
MK235 Consumer Behavior (3)
MK339 Sales Management (3)
CT230 Mass Media (3)
CT280 Public Relations Events (3)
Electives to complete min. 120 hours